November 20, 2023
Small Business Saturday is just around the corner, and it's the perfect opportunity to show your love for your community by shopping small and supporting local businesses. As we prepare for this exciting day, let's explore some tips and tricks to ensure your Small Business Saturday is a resounding success. Plus, we'll shed light on the upcoming "Christmas in Excelsior" event and how you can contribute to its success.
Tip 1: Plan Your Day
Before you set out on your Small Business Saturday adventure, it's a great idea to plan your day. Take a moment to map out the local businesses you want to visit, the restaurants you'd like to dine at, and any appointments or consultations you've scheduled with Chamber members. Creating a schedule will help you make the most of your day.
Tip 2: Shop Early and Shop Local
Small Business Saturday is a day to find unique and personalized gifts. Beat the crowds by shopping early, and don't forget to explore the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce retailers. Local businesses offer a diverse range of products, from handmade crafts to artisanal goods.
Tip 3: Support Chamber Members
Our Chamber members are the lifeblood of our community. They provide valuable services and support local events. Whether you need a counseling session, a home remodel, graphic design, chiropractic care, or any other service, remember to support these dedicated professionals. They are here to serve you, and your patronage helps strengthen our community.
Tip 4: Spread the Word
Take to social media to share your Small Business Saturday experiences. Use hashtags like #SmallBizSaturday, #ShopLocal, and #ExcelsiorProud to promote your local shopping and dining adventures. By sharing your experiences, you inspire others to join in and support small businesses.
Christmas in Excelsior: A Community Celebration
As we gear up for the holiday season, we'd like to bring your attention to the magical "Christmas in Excelsior" event. This community-favorite celebration, organized by the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce, lights up the town with holiday spirit. Christmas in Excelsior is a month-long series of events kicking off with Small Business Saturday the Saturday after Thanksgiving, followed by tree-lighting, carolers, Santa visits, and wagon rides the first weekend in December. Festivities continue each weekend until Christmas.
How You Can Contribute
"Christmas in Excelsior" is a cherished event that brings our community together. To make it all possible, it relies on community funding. We invite you to consider making a donation to the Excelsior-Lake Minnetonka Chamber of Commerce. Your generous contribution will help ensure the success of this beloved holiday celebration, bringing joy and festivity to our town.
You can donate here: https://excelsiorlakeminnetonkachamberofcommerce.growthzoneapp.com/ap/donate/vrAZZvp2
Small Business Saturday is not just about shopping; it's a celebration of community and supporting those who make our town unique. As you plan your day and enjoy the local offerings, remember to embrace the magic of "Christmas in Excelsior" and consider contributing to this community-funded event. Together, we can make this holiday season a special one, full of warmth and cheer. Join us in spreading the holiday spirit, and let's make Small Business Saturday and "Christmas in Excelsior" unforgettable moments in our community's calendar.