October 31, 2022
It’s Small Business Season!
From October 31–December 31st, we’re celebratingSmall Business Season™. The chamber is encouraging every person of our community to support friends and neighbors by shopping, dining, and exploring our small businesses.
Small Businesses Are a Big Deal to Excelsior- Lake Minnetonka Chamber. Small business made up over 60% of all new jobs this year and yet they face many challenges from rising costs to filling vacancies. Plus, according to JP Morgan Chase, “The median small business holds(only)27 cash buffer days in reserve. Half of all small businesses hold a cash buffer of less than one month. Moreover, 25%of small businesses hold fewer than 13 cash buffer days in reserve.” That means over 50% of small businesses wouldn’t last over a month on their reserves.They need our help, and we need theirs.
On average, $68 of every $100 spent locally stays in our community.Most of us turn to small businesses first when we’re seeking help for our nonprofits, youth activities, and sponsorships.When they thrive, we thrive!Where you spend your money this holiday season matters.
Support small businesses by patronizing them and/or:
Writing reviews
Referring friends
Checking-in and taking pictures or videos and sharing them on social media when you’re visiting small businesses
Sharing small business posts on social media
Talking about your favorite businesses on social media
Participating in the Holiday Gift Guides (listed on the Christmas in Excelsior page).
Join us and pledge to support local this holiday season. Shopping small can make a big difference.